How the Eucharist Catechizes
about the Meaning of Life
The Real Presence of Jesus
Christ in the Eucharist
Let us imitate Mary, who accepted the Word of God with faith, and allowed it to take root in her heart, so that it might bear fruit in her life.
—Pope St. John Paul II
"Our aim, our ideal, is to draw everybody close to Ma;ry Immaculate, to become more like her, to let her rule our hearts and our whole being, to let her live and operate in us and by means of us, to let her love God with our hearts so that we belong to her entirely, without holding back. This is our ideal and aim."
-St Maximilian Kolbe's Ideal
"Nuestro objetivo, nuestro ideal, es acercar a todos a María Inmaculada, llegar a ser más como Ella, dejarla gobernar nuestros corazones y todo nuestro ser, dejarla vivir y operar en nosotros y por medio de nosotros, que ella ame a Dios con el corazón para que le pertenezcamos enteramente, sin reservas. Éste es nuestro ideal y objetivo”.
-El ideal de San Maximiliano Kolbe
The Harvest of Hope campaign is just kicking off in many churches in our diocese and I’m sure that parishioners will have questions about the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal. Bishop Parkes has a short video message to share with parishioners to introduce the Harvest of Hope campaign. I invite you to share these links below on your website and social media pages. The videos are also on the diocesan Facebook page if you would like to share them.
La campaña Cosecha de Esperanza recién está comenzando en muchas iglesias de nuestra diócesis y estoy seguro de que los feligreses tendrán preguntas sobre la Campaña Católica Anual de 2025. El obispo Parkes tiene un breve mensaje en video para compartir con los feligreses para presentar la campaña Cosecha de Esperanza. Los invito a compartir estos enlaces a continuación en su sitio web y páginas de redes sociales. Los videos también están en la página diocesana de Facebook si desea compartirlos.
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Weekend Masses
Sundays: 8:00 am (Holy Family), 9:30 am English (St. Paul),
12:00 pm Misa Espanol, (St. Paul)
Weekday Mass - St Mary of the Assumption Day Chapel:
Tuesday: Mass 7pm, Spanish(Main Church) Confessions available before
Wednesday: - Mass 12 pm, Day Chapel
Thursday.- Mass 7pm Spanish(Main Church) Confessions available before
Friday:- Mass 12 pm, Day Chapel
St Paul: Saturday, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Mission Church: Sunday, prior to mass time
Request a Mass Intention for someone dearly missed
or for a special intention for someone who is sick or
needs prayer.
Please give a weeks notice if possible.
First Friday of every month
English Mass - 12pm noon - main church
Spanish Mass - 6pm - main church
Catholic Relief Services - March 30
Holy Land - Good Friday - April 18
Priest Retirement - Easter Sunday - April 20
Catholic Home Missions - April 27
Every Sunday except Easter Sunday
Doors open at 3:00pm, Play starts at 3:30pm